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Messages for Dad - 4:21:20, 7.20 PM
00:00 / 09:53
  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

Here is the link for the site.

Share it with, friends, families and all those I cant reach out to. The idea is tackle the communications aspect so we are all aware and updated. The Doctors calls are not set in stone and roughly call me a min of once a day just to check in around 3pm give or take a few hours. After this time check the link for the most recent update. My updates will only include the needed information, I will not go into detail on the OX-Sat Levels, BP Levels, and more. I have extra patrol for the Denver Police Department overlooking his house, they area aware that no one is suppose to be in the. Stay away from the house until I can complete the sanitation. A gathering will prompted on an as need basis.

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  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

For those that want to participate, please record a 10-15 second voice recording. This recording will be from you to my dad and express your love. For example, my would be “ Hey Dad, its Bobi, just wanted to let you know we are all here for you and are keeping you in our prayers. I Love and I am waiting for all this craziness to be over so we can go on our next fishing trip!”

I will compile everyone’s’ recording into a single file and email it to the nurse so they can play it for him while he is sedated. He is still able to hear the things around him and I know it will lift his spirits to hear everyone’s voices. Send them to my email attached to the bottom of this website.

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  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

If you are not aware, My father (our Loved one) has been infected with a terrible virus known as COVID-19 (also known as the Coronavirus). There has been some challenges at the start during the initial diagnosis and is all currently being address. He is currently in the Hospital and no one is allowed to visit due to the conditions of the pandemic. He is in the ICU and currently on a ventilator. Please know that this was his and the medical staffs decision and not an emergency act to respond in that fashion. Initially there was difficulty with his oxygen saturation levels which prompted the needed medical attention. As the virus lingers his body is getting tired and workout to the max. The ventilator is a tool to give him the relief to rest and recover with having to work so hard. Different medications from a pharmaceutical stand point are all involved to aid in the process of his recovery. He is heavily sedated so the machine can work for him to give him a break. He stable and pushing forward. In time the doctors will slowly lower the sedation and allow him to breath on his own to remove the ventilator. Time will only tell and his body will recognize when it is ready to breath on his own. Everyone must bare with me and bare with each other for we are all in different places in our lives. There is tons of family member and I know everyone wants to due their part to help this fighting soldier move forward. Keep in mind we cannot come together like we normally would so be flexible and keep him and everyone in your prayers. This is not only new for us but new to the world. The virus is only 4 months old,….. this blogging website crap is new to me to. I have been exposed regularly with my job and no one else needs to be exposed and experience the same anguish as out loved one. Feel free to reach out to me through the links and website, bare with me for this is the first site I have made. God bless all you and stay safe. Till next time…..

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