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Messages for Dad - 4:21:20, 7.20 PM
00:00 / 09:53
  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

Another great couple of days for dad. He is moving along great and doing really well. Today, dad has moved forward with his movements And was sitting up today. He was able to take some pressure off his shoulders and control much more movement with his arms and legs. Dad is not able to speak yet but it able to mouth the words yes and no and appears to Be increasing his communication abilities. The progress continues!!!!

A location has been located for das to move to to begin his rehabilitation. The Details of this location will be relayed once we determine if the site of for him and will accept him. Next week will bring Out the specs for the move.


Everyone is allowed to participate. Friends, family and all. Use your phone or computer. Face the camera towards you or ask someone to assist. Ensure it’s in the video setting and start your 10-15 second video give or take on time. Express your thoughts and feelings and forward it to my email.

I will be submitted he video on Monday to staff so dad can see us all before any transfer starts to a rehabilitation site to be determined. I feel that das needs this boost of moral before he starts this next journey in his recovery. Get your videos done ASAP so I can consolidate the main Clip. Please partake and let my dad know that he is been in your thoughts and prayers.

Till next time...

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  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

Yet another productive Day for dad. He is breathing more and more in his own everyday. Dad was exposed to about 6 hours of the Trach - Collar today and did really well. Remember that with this dad is not getting the positive pressure from the ventilator and is virtually breathing on his own With the collar. Dad is back in the vent to help ease him in to breathing on his own and give him a break from today’s breathing trial.

Dad is making tremendous Steps forward!! Doctors have began discussing the options of dad being moved out of the hospital. They are discussing rehab site options that will best suite dads needs. More and more dad is no longer needing the ICU treatment and attention. Once dad reaches that point where he doesn’t need the ICU anymore he will go to a special site where staff specializes in the care of patients with a tracheostomy and a ventilator. Whichever site he goes to they can completely attend to his physical therapy recuperation needs as well as medical needs. This info Will be published as soon as I get the details.

The medical updates will slowly dwindle in details and occurrences. Doctors are repeatiNG themselves, in a good way, as dad pushes through this. The better dad gets the less information I will have to put out. As time and dads condition progress there may be a day with out an update. Please be patient, I will not leave you all uninformed. I will post as usual the with big movements and what not. Any questions comments or concerns please reach out.

Thank you to the musician who played music for dad, I’m certain he enjoyed it based off my conversation with staff who assisted. Thank you to those who joined and were able to listen to some music with dad and share that connection.

Cards! Those who are wishing to forward dad a card or gesture of sort can do so. Please email me if you would like a forwarding address and I can send you mine. I can collaborate everything together in some manner for dad to view. With the pandemic it is clear rules have changed with hospital, hence the no visitation. With that said staff needs a sterile environment as a whole. Out side objects entering and exiting the hospital need to be thoroughly vetted and isn’t allowed at this point. I will assume this role and collect everything for dad.

One more thing, since dad is doing well and able to see and follow movements I want to do a video message. So at this point, for those that are willing to participate please record a 10-15 second video for dad. Let him know who you are and tie your voice to the visual image of you. Tell him hello, I love you And more. Just let him know we are here for him and that fact that he is slowly overcoming this phenomenal battle. Once you gather your clip send it to me via email and I will consolidate it into one large video for him to view. I will do mine with my wife and allow the kids to do theirs so he can hear each voice. How ever you choose to do this is your choice. I will anticipate a turn in date around next week sometime. The quicker you submit your clip to me the more I can doctor everything up so he can see it. There is a massive amount of supporting member on the site for dad. Way to much for me to contact each person and determine if you want to submit a clip. If you need help let me know and we can arrange it.

Till next time...

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  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

Dad continues to make progress and move forward. Dad is at a point where that are providing a minimal amount of support and he is breathing much more on his own. The breathing trials continue but in a different format now with his progress. Dad is now getting a Tracheostomy Collar. This is a huge step forward and and ahead of the original breathing trials with modified setting on the ventilator. With the collar, staff is able to let dad breath on his own unassisted. Dad is watching staff enter and exit the room and is promptly responded the best he can to staff. Staff ask him to squeeze a hand and is able to follow commands And squeeze as asked. Doctors continue to elaborate how strongly encouraged they are with dads progression. His levels are great and the kidney doctors no longer fee the need to follow dads welfare anymore. It appears at this point that the only thing that’s Keeping dad in the ICU versus the regular floor unit is the need of the ventilator. His need of the ventilator is lessening everyday so far.

Dad still has along road of recovery ahead of him. Dad coming home is a decent time away. Again we will cross that bridge when it comes and he goes through their respected rehabilitation periods and sites. Still at this point staff has not related any change in visitation and is still not allowed.

Staff has coordinated the concert for dad and will occur for him at 1500 hrs, 3pm tomorrow. Some Musicians will log on to a created Zoom meeting and play music for dad. Below you will see instructions on how to join in and listen to the concert with dad. There is now video and will be only audio based. You Can use the zoom app and enter the correct meeting ID and pass word, or dial in and enter the needed information as well. Please refer to the bottom of the this update for the directions to join the concert that is being shared For dad. According time the direction it appears like you may be able to use Skype as an option as well. Please join and enjoy the music. Dad loves music!!!!

Till next time...

——————————————————————CONCERT DIRECTIONS

Topic: Virtual Concert

Time: May 27, 2020 03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 980 1025 9756

Password: 387462

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,98010259756# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,98010259756# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 980 1025 9756

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Meeting ID: 980 1025 9756

Password: 387462

Join by Skype for Business

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