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Messages for Dad - 4:21:20, 7.20 PM
00:00 / 09:53
  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

Just spoke with the nurse. No news is good news! He is still pushing forward and being treated as needed. He Is at a point where it looks like he doesn’t need anything more then where he currently at. He is off all medication other than the sedation and pain meds all for the functioning of the ventilator. He has been producing urine at a regular rate which means his kidney is functioning. The numbers for his kidney go and that means his kidney is damaged. At this point they were going up but have stopped and are at a standstill. This may be common from recovering from the earlier blood pressure obstacle. All in all nurse relates this has been a pretty positive day of nothing..... if that makes sense. Doc will be calling me soon.

Till next time...

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  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

Hello everyone,

Hopefully everyone is staying safe and healthy. This virus is pretty serious as you can see or else we wouldn’t be gathered here on this blog. Please wear your mask and appropriate PPE while your out and about on an as need basis.

Thank you to all who have contributed so far wit’s their voice messages. It is coming along very well. I have reached out to a few of dads friends to get additional support for the recording. Remember to be a part of the recording for dad to here while he is under sedation you must submit a voice recording to my email. Dad will not be able to see the written messages until he is off sedation. Some have call me and I am able to assist via phone to add you to the recording.

I have coordinated with the nursing staff and they will play our messages for him as soon as they are all submitted. Let’s get this complete so we can assist and dad can hear our voices of support. Im certain when he hears us all he will gain additional strength to fight through this craziness.

Till next time...

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  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

Just got off the phone with the doc. Dad was on blood pressure medication and is doing well enough to where he does not need that medication anymore. Since the blood pressure drop his urine output was not at a rate they liked. That being said they needed to look into his kidney to determine the cause of the lack of urine output. Doc related that when blood pressure drops the kidney tie is a side affect. Typically it takes a few days for the kidney to get back up and running. They contacted a Kidney specialist to weigh-in and cover all angles as a precaution. They will be monitoring his kidney diligently for the next few days.

Initially, they decreased the sedation but dad was over breathing and brought his sedation back up. What that means is that the ventilator is set to regulate his breathing pattern. Dad was breathing to a point where it went around the tubes and caused disruption and he is taking to short of breaths and not getting the needed oxygen to recover. The sedation will keep him under enough so he can properly recover with the machine and let it do it work. Dads a fighter and is even fighting the machine!

Outside of those tiny differences everything is the same, he is trucking along as expected.

Till next time.....

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