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Messages for Dad - 4:21:20, 7.20 PM
00:00 / 09:53
  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

Attention!!!! Attention!!!!!

Dad is being released from the hospital. He is doing very well! He stood with assurance yesterday, and took a few steps today! His white count is stable and he is experiencing the aches and pains of moving again after being static for so long. He has expressed to staff that he is ready to tackle his recovery and pushes The staff to work with Him.

Dad is stubborn in a good way and is giving staff a hard time so he can get better!

Dad will be moving to NeroRestorative : S 80127, 5945 S Wright St, Littleton, CO 80127. Staff will be conducting a send off parade for dad as he enters the ambulance to leave to the rehabilitation site. This site does not allow visitation at all as well, I’m not surprised. Each patient room has a window and we will be able to visit and communicate through a window and electronics. As soon as dad settles I can publish the details To support him at his new location. Dad is slowly getting his voice back, he was given a smaller Trach and the ball is rolling.

Any one is welcome to join. The send off will be conducted between 1200- 1300 hrs at the NE entry/exit along N Wheeling St on Friday 6/5/20. The address to the VA Hospital is 1700 N Wheeling St, Aurora, CO 80045.

Key stipulation for joining, you must wear a mask and maintain the 6ft social distancing measures. This is huge as staff that is caring for dad will Attend. They need to remain free of further exposure both for you and I. Don’t put staff caring for other at risk and don’t place yourself at risk. Clearly this virus is not one to mess wit or chance. I will try to be there exactly at 1200 to coordinate and assist with parking if possible for those that show.

The journey continues...

Till next time...

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  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

Thank you to all who took the time to participate. I know everyone is busy and a lot going on on so many levels. If you were unable to submit a video send me one anyway. If I get enough I can create another one for dad to view.

Here it is..... enjoy. I know dad will.

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  • Writer's pictureBobi Limon

Dad is trucking along and doing well. He is moving more and more and gaining more control of his bodily functions. Today they were able to let dad sit in a chair for a but. He tolerating more and more everyday with beating able to breath in his own. The rehabilitations center movement is still in the works and possibly may be moved near the end If the week.

Dad is watching our video/s now!!! Nurses states he was awake and they are setting it up for him!!!

Till next time...

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